Foka Liquid Dishwashing
“Foka” Liquid Dishwashing is a powerful and an all-purpose dishwashing formula with antibacterial and grease-cutting power for a faster and more efficient removal of grease, fats, and oils from dishes, pots, and other kitchen utensils and equipment.
Showing all 4 results
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Green800ml Apple Kind to hands تفاح لطيف على اليدينFoka Liquid Dishwashing
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Green
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Orange800ml Orange Kind to hands برتقال لطيف على اليدينFoka Liquid Dishwashing
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Orange
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Red800ml Strawberry Kind to hands فراولة لطيف على اليدينFoka Liquid Dishwashing
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Red
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Yellow800ml Lemon Kind to hands ليمون لطيف على اليدينFoka Liquid Dishwashing
Foka Liquid Dishwashing Yellow